
On November 9th will start the 3rd edition of SiriusCon Paris. Looking back at the last editions, we remember that both were almost full, that attendees (and us!) learnt a lot from the great speakers’ talks, and that SiriusCon was and will always be a friendly event gathering the graphical modeling community in one of the most beautiful city in the world ( know French people sometimes lack of humility when talking about Paris but except that part, each of these observations is objective). Well, this is a big responsibility and we are working hard to make the 2017 SiriusCon edition even better!   If you haven’t already heard about SiriusCon, just to explain it in a few words, it’s a one-day free international conference dedicated to graphical modeling and more precisely to Eclipse Sirius, the best solution to get your own modeling tool. We think it as a milestone event for every attendees, from beginners to advanced graphical modeling users. Have a look of what Siri...
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From Monday the 17th to Thursday the 20th, Thales, pure-systems and Obeo attended the 27th annual Incose International Symposium in Adélaïde, Australia. On our booth, during our exhibitor demo and at a dedicated talk, we had the opportunity to present Capella, the model-based systems engineering solution. Indeed, Thales and Obeo combined their expertise to develop and deploy this tool helping engineers formalizing the specification of systems and master their architectural design. And results speak by themselves: Capella is already used on concrete projects in numerous industrial sectors (aerospace, energy, transportation…). Learn more about how Capella is different and can be really useful with those case-studies from prestigious users. Incose was the best place to share our experience and to have exciting discussions about the last Systems Engineering tools innovation among which of course Capella, the comprehensive, extensible and field-proven tools of Arcadia. Have a look of w...
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Almost a month since EclipseCon France is over and it's more than time for coming back on that great event! As a French company located in Nantes, Paris and the no less beautiful pink city Toulouse, we have chosen to be an active sponsor, from the very first EclipseCon France. The Obeo team is always excited to meet the Eclipse community, from project leaders to users, at EclipseCon France. Held every year at the same time as the annual Eclipse release, the conference is the best moment to unveil the latest major versions of our Open Source projects including Eclipse Sirius, and for us to collect your very early feedback. In a way the 2017 edition was special with Capella Day, a one day event dedicated to Capella that was held the day before the conference at the EclipseCon Unconference. You haven’t heard about Capella? It’s a powerful and comprehensive model-based systems engineering solution developed by Thales with Sirius. The less we can say is that Capella Day was a success with...
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A proposal has been made to establish the Capella Industry Consortium (IC) at PolarSys. The vision of the Capella IC is to host the Capella Ecosystem stakeholders in a vendor neutral way, organized by an open governance model. It will allow them to better collaborate, share investment and best practices, and leverage Open Innovation to co-develop new MBSE capabilities. The main goal of the consortium is to support the Capella solution, in association with the field-proven Arcadia methodology, to become the leading Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) solution. Targeted for industrial users, Capella provides a mature, full-featured, sustainable solution which can be widely distributed as an open source alternative to existing proprietary modeling tools. The official announcement of the Capella IC took place on June 20th as part of Capella Day, the first event dedicated to the Capella community, held in conjunction with EclipseCon France 2017. You are invited to review the draft Cha...
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Every year the Eclipse M7 milestone act as a very strong deadline for the projects which are part of the release train: it’s then time for polishing and refining! Time's up ! Pencils down, it's M7 ! — Cédric Brun (@bruncedric) 4 mai 2010 When your company is responsible for a number of inter-dependent projects some of them core technologies like EMF Services , the GMF Runtime, others user facing tools like Acceleo, Sirius or EcoreTools, packaging and integration oriented projects like Amalgam or the Eclipse Packaging project and all of these releases needs to be coordinated, then may is a busy month. This week: M7 milestones for EcoreTools, Amalgam, Sirius, testing the Modeling package. Plot twist: 3 work days ! — Cédric Brun (@bruncedric) 3 mai 2016 I’m personally involved in EcoreTools which makes me in the position to step in the role of the consumer of the other technologies and my plan for Oxygen was to make use of the Property Views support includ...
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