New OpenSource components for a new year

Posted on in Blog
Since many years, IFPEN ( works with Obeo at the integration of the Eclipse modeling technologies in its Eclipse based scientific software platform.

This collaboration resulted in the creation of some modeling components built on the top of EMF. Since these components are generic and can be used by any EMF models consumers, IFPEN decided to free them.

We created an EclipseLabs project in order to share these components: IFPEN EMP Tooling
At the time being, 3 modules are hosted in the project:
Reverse module: a tool using the JDT to create a Ecore model representing the selected java code Filter: a tool allowing to filter a EMF model in order to limit an Acceleo generation Cuboid Modeler: a showcase for the EEF project. These modules are designed to be easy to use and to provide common needs encountered by many EMF users.

Feel free to use them, improve them or just give us feedback and Happy New Year!.

Auteur d'origine: Goulwen